Membership Directory

Alphabetical Listing

Charitable organization that provides need-based grants for private music lessons and summer music camp experiences for Norwin instrumental music students, grades 5-12

We specialize in finding the right price and coverage for everyone's auto and home insurance.  We also help you plan for the future with life, disability and long term care insurance.  Additionally we can help you with your business planning.  We give simple, straightforward and honest answers all the time.

The best in billboards and outdoor advertising opportunities throughout Southwestern Pennsylvania.  We are proud to give your business increased visibility by providing superior outdoor advertising displays in prime locations in western Pennsylvania.  If you want your ads to Bee Seen, Oliver Outdoor is here to help!.

We provide and install overhead large doors, rolling steel doors, residential sectional doors and dock equipment.  Also provide and install operable partitions.

Workforce development / training connecting employers and job seekers.

Painter Property Development is dedicated to providing quality residential and commercial leasing units. In addition to property rentals, the company is focused on investment property and continuing to increase the value of local, residential homes. For more information, follow us on Facebook.

Pack and ship, crate and freight services along with FedEx, UPS, DHL Shipping.  We ship anything, anywhere.

Full Service Car Washing , Express detailing, Propane Gas, and Gift Baskets

Partners in Medical Education, Inc.  (PME) is a national medical education consulting firm, dedicated to assisting Graduate Medical Education (GME) professionals in hospitals, universities and medical schools with practical solutions to their administrative and accreditation issues.  Margie Kleppick, President and CEO, has over 20 years experience in the medical education field.

Fax: 724-863-3308
Precision Job shop machining, mainly for defense industry

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321 Main Street Irwin, PA 15642



321 Main Street Irwin, PA 15642
